Oldies but Goodies
Yes, You Can Shape Your Eyebrows
Growing and maintaining your brows is a necessity for me. If I feel a little busted, I go through my checklist of maintenance: Teeth brushed? Hair combed? Face washed? How ‘bout them brows? …...
Skin Care That Doesn’t Break the Bank
Heads up: Affiliate links below. If you click and buy, I will receive a percentage. Any products I recommend are tested on me. All opinions are my own. Allegedly, Hailey Baldwin has a skincare...

How to Make Your Brand Human
You’ll read the buzzwords from any guru or brand strategist (including me): Be “authentic” with your audience. Show them that you’re “human.” What does that mean? Being “human” with your brand isn’t something you have to try to do, it’s part of you. I mention it time...

How to Work With Instagram’s Algorithm
Recently, I talked to my girl and friend of the pod, Christina of the Social Butterfly Gal, about the changes to Instagram (you can listen below). If you haven’t noticed (and let’s be honest, you probably have if you’re here), the algorithm changes have shifted in a...
Say it Loud: Finding Your Brand Voice
"I don't know if I have a brand voice." This statement isn't true. If you have a brain, you have a voice. Now it's time to find it. Scream. I'm not kidding, scream. How does that feel? Weird? Awkward? Relieving? All three? Good. Now you're one step closer to finding...
3 Reasons to Use Pinterest for Business
In 2009 I started using Pinterest to post everything I loved. It didn't have an order, plan, or strategy. If I liked it, I put it on its appropriate board and kept it moving. But like most mediums, Pinterest transitioned from only personal fun to another piece of...
Bunzy’s Corner
Bunny Anthajets is the cutest most prescious thing on the planet.
Hey Y’all Hey
Today we crave community like we haven’t before. We want to connect with people like us while learning to be kinder and gentler to ourselves. We’re also overwhelmed with the pressures of the world, both outside and inside ourselves. Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re here so we can trade stories and laugh together.