by Clarissa | Sep 21, 2016 | Professional Life, Work
In my quest to grow my site I did a lot of researching. I’ve come across “branding coaches,” “business coaches,” “webinarpenuears” (girl…what?), etc. I’ve read posts with vague details on how to grow and create an empire in 90 days (ha!) and travel all around the...
by Clarissa | Sep 14, 2016 | Design, Professional Life
Color theory, the study of color combinations is a crucial element in your brand development. If you think your audience won’t care, consider this: When I was younger, I wasn’t a fan of pink. If I could help it, I wouldn’t choose pink anything. Now...
by Clarissa | Jun 29, 2016 | Professional Life
You fall into one of two categories: Category One: You’re working a 9-5 but your checks are tied up in essentials (bills, loan payments, rent) and you can’t invest in yourself the way you want. OR Category Two: You’re in between jobs and things are super...
by Clarissa | Jun 15, 2016 | Professional Life
Grayscale photos are beautiful, but can often be boring when used too much. Luckily, creating duotones in Photoshop to create the same monotone effect with color is easy to do. Let’s use this great photo from Death to the Stock Photo: 1. In Photoshop, change...
by Clarissa | Jun 8, 2016 | Professional Life
There’s something about abandoning a blog that brings clarity. An unexpected break occurred when things got busy with life and work. Because I’m not one to push out a pointless post, a break happened. Honestly? I was stuck. What could I post about without sounding...
by Clarissa | Mar 3, 2016 | Professional Life
My first blog (ever) was on Xanga. Kicking it old school, I wrote about my little college freshman issues, the “boy” I liked, the song of the moment, feelings, etc. It had that really cool animated background and the autoplay of my song of the moment (usually Coldplay...