by Clarissa | Oct 9, 2019 | Branding, Photography, Professional Life
“I don’t like myself in front of the camera, so if you can make me look not awkward that would be great.” I laugh because I’ve heard this more than once. In fact, a lot of my clients over the age of 18 aren’t the biggest fans of being in front of the camera sans...
by Clarissa | Aug 21, 2019 | Photography, Professional Life
What was your first phone? Mine was a pre-paid Nokia I got in high school with the coolest thing being Snake. I had to be careful of how long I talked on it and the number of text messages I sent AND received because my mom only put a certain amount per month. Yeah,...
by Clarissa | Apr 29, 2019 | Living
Thanks to iPhones and Androids, DSLRs have become more affordable for novice users. I love a good iPhone and am very thankful for portrait mode, but there really is nothing better than shooting content with a camera. If you have one collecting dust OR you plan on...
by Clarissa | Oct 19, 2016 | Professional Life
Deciding which image format to use isn’t life-altering though it can feel that way. It can be a bit overwhelming when you’re trying to figure which is best for you photo or graphic. It’s important to choose the best format to ensure the best quality. So a jpg? A png?...
by Clarissa | Jun 15, 2016 | Professional Life
Grayscale photos are beautiful, but can often be boring when used too much. Luckily, creating duotones in Photoshop to create the same monotone effect with color is easy to do. Let’s use this great photo from Death to the Stock Photo: 1. In Photoshop, change...