by Clarissa | May 19, 2015 | Professional Life
I’ve had my fair share of not so pleasant bosses: One threw paper on the ground and made me put it in the trash can (this went on for an hour or so). Another made up industry terms and was highly upset no one understood him. When I asked my girl, Google was...
by Clarissa | Mar 30, 2015 | Professional Life
Are you performing a blogging maintenance? We usually get into a routine with blogging—get the right photo, create a graphic, double (or triple check) our content. We post it, tweet about it, Buffer it, then go about our business. We usually get into a routine with...
by Clarissa | Feb 12, 2015 | Professional Life
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about going freelance (how and where do you start?), so I thought I’d post a few things I’ve learned along the way. This isn’t foolproof, but it will at least give you some idea on what to do. How do you get...
by Clarissa | Oct 22, 2014 | Professional Life
Freelancing can be fun. Becoming an entrepreneur is even better. As my business grows, I’m being offered different projects with different types of clients. It’s a scary yet exciting time–and because I have to juggle different projects (plus blogging, plus 5...
by Clarissa | Oct 16, 2014 | Social Media, Wellness
Stage, Filter or Bust: That’s the way a lot of people want to see Instagram photos. The argument out there is staging our photos is setting a lot of unrealistic expectations. Filters are altering and misleading which might seem unfair to those scrolling your...
by Clarissa | Sep 9, 2014 | Professional Life
You hired a designer! Yay! Now that visual is coming to life, no longer just a dream, here are some things to expect: 1. We don’t dive in and design. Things happen over time and lots of research. It can take a few hours, a day, maybe weeks–all depends on the...