No, You Should Not Just Quit Your 9-5

No, You Should Not Just Quit Your 9-5

“Quit your job and follow your passion.” WRONG. I want you to pursue your passion. I want you to build a brand that’s successful and generates the life you seek. I do not want you to just quit your job and be broke. It’s not fun trying to find a way to pay rent (trust...
32, No Kids. Oh No

32, No Kids. Oh No

One day I was at the store minding my business probably listening to Britney in the headphones. Note: I hate shopping without music. It means my chances of interacting with people are higher. So anyway, maybe Britney plays in my earbuds when I see the cutest, tiny...
Well…This is It.

Well…This is It.

Can you believe it girls (guys and non-conforming genders)? I started a podcast! /center> After major contemplation and let’s be honest, procrastination, the first episode is up. I break down what this podcast is even about and why you’re an important part of it....
5 Ways to Enter the New Year

5 Ways to Enter the New Year

It’s the beginning of a New Year and you know what that means: resolution time! You vow to eat better, to get in shape (for real this time), go to yoga, save money, cut down on coffee, be more social. Look, these are all done with the best intentions. We chant,...
18 Things to Take Away from 2018

18 Things to Take Away from 2018

End of the year blogs are a still a thing, right? Oh well if it’s not. I enjoy reflecting over the past year so you know how prepared for the upcoming year, so without further ado: 1. Speaking your mind won’t win everyone over, but keeping quiet won’t do you any...