by Clarissa | Oct 13, 2020 | C's Thoughts, Lifestyle
“Your business suffers when you’re not yourself.” Over the last several years, I’ve talked and helped people with design. From logos to websites, I’ve had a diverse group of clients over the years who I have seen grow and prosper in their business. I’m thankful to be...
by Clarissa | Oct 29, 2019 | Branding, Professional Life
The end of the year always brings out the rehaul in all of us: Time to rehaul the website Time to rehaul the branding Time to rehaul the copy I get it because 2020 not only means the beginning of a new year but an entirely new decade. But before you call on the...
by Clarissa | Oct 3, 2019 | Branding, Professional Life
It’s that time of year again–rebrand time! You’ll hear about the new launch of 2020 and everyone is so excited for a brand new look for a brand new year. But here is something most don’t understand: You may not need a new rebrand. Ask yourself why you want a new...
by Clarissa | Sep 18, 2019 | Branding, Professional Life
You’ll hear about the new launch of 2020 and everyone is so excited for a brand new look for a brand new year. But here is something most don’t understand: You may not need a new rebrand. Ask yourself why you want a new brand design: “Because I’m not pulling the...
by Clarissa | Jun 14, 2017 | Branding, Professional Life
One of the “downfalls” of being a visual brand strategist is always wanting to redo or makeover your own brand. After working with a client I often think, “What if I did something like that?” But why? What about their brand fits mine? What I...