Thoughts while watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills:

“You should write a behind the scenes post on launching your  first e-course.” 

Second thought: “…crazy? You might have egg on your face and that’s embarrassing. People are going to see that.” 

Then I had to talk to myself again: “It’s already out there, self (my nickname for me). There’s no turning back now!

Note: The RHoBH has nothing to do with this post or my webinar.

Doing a mini case study would allow others who plan on launching an e-course or webinar to have a glimpse of what it can be for them. This post can serve as a learning tool, should they want it to be. 

It can also serve as a comedy of errors. Low key-I’m hoping it goes viral like a BuzzFeed post (fingers crossed).

Every Thursday, there will be a round-up as I point out the successes, missteps, and feelings. We’re all about feeling right? Sure. 

Ready? Let’s go

Current state: I’m obsessing over Periscopes, webinars, and blog posts about launching successful e-courses. Yes, I’m putting into practice what I’ve watched. Mariah Coz is a lifesaver if we’re going, to be honest. I’ve learned what I  needed to change and adjust:

  • The plan was to do the e-course on November 1, but I quickly learned it was too early to do so. I needed to gain trust from potential students. If they’re like me, they want to know who this no one wants to take a gamble like that.
  • Growing the email list is a good thing. A great thing, actually. Webinars and email courses are a great way to measure interest. Y’all, Mariah’s a genius.

The webinar is Sunday, and I have about 10 people on the list. Sure that might be “low” to some people, but that’s 10 strangers who trust me to teach them something. I call that a win. Also, those 10 people have friends.

Making a mistake in front of a small audience allows me to get better for bigger audiences.  In the end, I’m grateful people have signed up.

I will say:  the self-doubt is REAL (“Can I actually do this?”) and anxiety over how I’ll sound on camera is high. I have a valley girl with a slight twang thing going on but hey, it’s part of my charm, right?

In the end, the self-doubt goes away every time I see a graphic that can use my advice, so I’m good. I’m confident in Photoshop knowledge, as I’ve used it for over 10 years. Geez, I feel old.

Now, the preparation:

Thursday, October 8: 12:30 Official announcement of the course. This was when I thought I could do this in a month. With the holiday season here, this class would be perfect for holiday guides and posts. It wasn’t until Mariah’s ‘scope that night that made me rethink my strategy. Done. I mention her a lot, no? Because she’s a freakin beast and if you don’t pay attention to her that’s you not wanting to do better with your life.

Now that I’ve decided on a  December 1 launch, I have better ideas on marketing this class: solo and joint webinars, email courses, and a guest post.

Friday, October 9 Announced in the Facebook group I’m a part of and got some good responses. The email list is creeping up I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I’m lucky to have people on the list. I know it takes some time, so I’m patient.

Saturday, October 10 Another free webinar about email courses. Something else I didn’t think of doing and now have a few ideas. I need to map this out. Maybe something with better graphics for bloggers. Sure.

Sunday, October 11 Time to create and plan worksheets and extra goodies for subscribers. Catch ‘Scope on pricing and start journaling about the process (which has us here).

Monday, October 12 & Tuesday, October 13 More promo. Not going to lie. I feel I’m doing too much selling and annoying people on my timeline. Ugh, I’m sorry to be annoying. I just want to hang out and talk Photoshop with ya’ll.

Wednesday, October 14 I caught a slew of ‘scopes that gave me a bit of fire to make things better. MayaHalley, and of course Mariah, thanks for helping a girl out. I have a tagline, and even more clear focus. I kind of feel like I should have waited but I can’t dwell on this. It’s already out, people have already signed up.

I’m working on 2 client projects while planning this, so coffee and late nights are it. So glad I forgot to cancel my Apple Music plan. Now I have late-night jams without commercials.

Preview of next week: I’ll report on my first webinar and the launch of my email course.

But why wait next week when you can be there for the life? 

If you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, or simply someone who wants to learn Photoshop, this free webinar is for you. Don’t worry about being a pro-we’ll fix that sooner than later.

Oh, it’s free? I’m in!

See you there? Bring snacks (for you of course).

Until next time, C