Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Hello all! Starting a new column to introduce you to some people I follow that do some pretty cool things. Why? Because community, that’s why. It’s easy to get caught up in competition, but there are so many things against us, why set ourselves against each other (deep right)?
So here we are! First up: Everyday Orange!
What’s the name of your business? Who is/are the mastermind(s) behind your business?
Everyday Orange! We are founded by Charissa Moore and Karen Hammons, and have offices in Greenville, SC, and Denver, CO. We also boast two incredible Detail Designers, Lauren and Victoria. Everyday Orange was built and running in six days. 🙂 We launched in December 2013 and have been able to grow steadily since!}
How did you start your company?
We started with a vision. We are both creatives and found ourselves being unable to create because we had to focus on administrative things like email and tweets. We wanted to start an administrative service that allowed creatives such as bloggers, authors, painters, photographers, and entrepreneurs to focus on doing what they do best and let us take care of the details. This method allows you to keep creating what you love and have the time to spend doing things you love, like getting cocktails with friends or going on that hot date, instead of being chained to the desk processing invoices and answering emails.
What’s one (of many) things you want to accomplish (business or career and personal)?
We want to take our entire team on a trip to Greece for two weeks. We believe in self-care and making sure you as a person are filled up first before giving your magic to the world. 🙂 This shows up with our relationships with clients too. Our clients are all very busy and need more time for themselves. We will send them to the spa, Starbucks, or a movie while we manage their details.
What’s one mistake you’ve learned from?
Not doing everything. Our business is based on this premise. When you try to do everything, you end up sacrificing somewhere. For a lot of people, that’s themselves or their families. We want you to be able to do what you’re passionate about, and not sacrifice anything.
What’s the best advice you’ve gotten (business or personal)?
To do what you do best and delegate the rest!
What’s one food you can eat for the rest of your life?
Charissa – Mango Gelato or fresh pineapple! Karen – Chips with pineapple salsa!
You have to choose: Living forever in sub-zero degree temperatures or blistering hot conditions (proper attire included)
Charissa – Blistering hot! I hate hate hate winter! Karen- Sub-Zero temps. My personality changes when the humidity hits hard in the South. Lol.
Routine you have to complete every day/week (the more embarrassing the better)
Charissa – I shower with the lights off, and take a bubble bath every single night that I’m not traveling. I also have to keep everything organized in my purse with vinyl pouches.
Karen – The clothes in the closets have to be grouped with like items. Nothing can be randomly thrown in there. I used to have it organized by like colors AND items. Then I had kids.
Current song you’re listening to?
Our “Currently Playing at EO” playlist is what’s playing at EO Greenville and Denver!
Where can we find you online?
everydayorange.com | Blog: everydayorange.com/juice | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram